Rusty Mug: A Tasty Trip Back in Time

Local chocolates are served up at The Rusty Mug

Rusty Mug: A Tasty Trip Back in Time


At The Rusty Mug, you can enjoy decadent chocolates, ice cream, sodas, and freshly brewed coffee in Spokane's Sprague Union District. But unlike most coffee shops, this place also serves nostalgic trips down memory lane. Grab a cup of locally roasted coffee or a tasty truffle and wander around their collection of vintage wares and kitschy gifts.

Located in the Sprague Union District, you can enjoy decadent chocolates, ice cream, sodas, and freshly brewed coffee at The Rusty Mug. But unlike most coffee shops, this place also serves nostalgic trips down memory lane.

While grabbing coffee and sweets from locally sourced suppliers, you’ll want to stay awhile and browse the many sections of antiques that line the walls. Chairs that could have been in a 50’s diner offer guests a comfy seat as they visually enjoy decades of history. Vintage lunch boxes, action figures, decorations from the ’20s, and retro clothes from the ’80s are some of the fascinating trinkets and collectibles that add to the ambiance of this little cafe.

“The owners are old souls, even though they are only in their mid to late 30s,” says manager, Lexi. “They love bringing old things to life for the customers.”

Coffee & Kitsch

Located near the vintage drink machine is a tiered candy display holding hand-crafted saltwater taffies. Each item in the shop has a life behind it, memories, and potentially a new story. The Rusty Mug redefines what it means to “sip and stay awhile.”

The creaky floors and knickknacks bring a rush of excitement with every new find. You’ll find yourself saying, “my mom had one of those,” and sharing old stories. It’s a cafe museum, but the stories are shared by you. Sentimental and cozy, The Rusty Mug will be a place you’ll find yourself wanting to visit over and over.

51916 E Sprague Ave,Spokane WA 99202

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