Palouse River Beef


Palouse River Beef


Answers provided by Pearl Griffiths
Photos provided by Palouse River Beef

This story is a part of our collection The Craft of Cattle.


What are you known for?

We are known for the exceedingly high quality of beef we produce and the manner in which we finish our Wagyu premium beef.

What type of cattle do you raise and why?

We raise Red Devon and Wagyu cattle. We raise these breeds because of the quality of the meat they produce and the temperament of the animals.


How long have you been raising this cattle?

We have been raising beef since 2017, about 6 years.

What is a favorite story from the ranch?

Our very first calf was born on Easter morning to a mother who had complications with the birth. We called our local vet for a farm call to come help her give birth to the calf. To our surprise our vet commented that this wasn’t the first time he had visited on an Easter morning even though the ranch we had acquired was homesteaded in 1891. After the help of our vet a hefty 95-pound heifer was born who we named Marge. Marge spent her first few hours in our living room and is now one of our Cattle All Stars.

What do you want our readers to know about you and/or why should they consider where their beef comes from and how it is raised?

My dad compares beef to wine or cheese, it is not a one size fits all experience. Like cheese or wine, everyone has their own favorite that makes their taste buds tingle. This is akin to our beef experience; we have discovered there are many flavors of beef that the public do not have access to through a conventional grocery store. Fortunately, we have been and continue to explore different avenues of finishing techniques, cuts, and textures of beef to further expand our exceptional beef experience.

Our family is involved from the conception of the cattle to the processing of the cattle. We do not send our animals to feed lots, our cattle are finished at our home in the Palouse. We are truly a family run and family operated producer.


Why did you decide to enter into this field and/or what is your "why" for continuing? 

We decided to enter into this field because we liked eat beef. Starting out with just a few cattle for ourselves soon grew into a passion to find the best tasting beef we could produce.

Dad’s goal is to produce the best beef eating experience. Additionally, he strives to create a legacy for my brothers and I to take over should we desire to. My brothers and I are in different fields of study but all contribute to our family business in equally important ways. Dad is setting the groundwork for our future business.

Is your beef featured at any local restaurants and/or how can our readers find your product?

Our beef is going to be up on our website to order in “Beef Bags”

Anything else you'd like to share?

We started acquiring cattle because of our love of eating beef but a deeper meaning with the cows started to evolve as we grew our herd. Each cow has a different personality and contributes to the herd community in different ways watching out for each other. Some have a higher sense of awareness of the surrounding area watching out for predators such as coyotes while others take the role of babysitter creating a calf day care while moms go to graze. My dad believes that if people treated each other in the same manner as cattle the world would be an amazing place.


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